Geofabrics are the only geosynthetic manufacturer in Australia. We employ more than 100 local manufacturing staff, have over 1,000 active regional suppliers and return more than $10 million per annum into the regional communities in which we operate.
Apart from providing a more reliable supply chain, shorter lead times and more flexibility, local manufacturing allows us to have more control over decisions that affect the environment. Local content, sustainability and creating local jobs are key pillars driving the Geofabrics business.
Geofabrics recently acquired Australian manufacturer Plascorp, which also has its own manufacturing sites. In total, Geofabrics now has five manufacturing plants and 350+ staff spread across three countries.
We endeavour to work with organisations and suppliers that operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. We assess their supply chains and operations in line with our Social Procurement Framework and Modern Slavery Policy. Geofabrics is committed to diversity and support of minority groups throughout the supply chain.

We are compliant with the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 and ensure our key suppliers also comply. Preventing and addressing modern slavery throughout the world is central to our unwavering commitment to running a safe, socially responsible and environmentally friendly business. We are committed to meeting and exceeding our obligations and ensuring our strong corporate and social responsibility.
We have been the recipient of various State and Federal Government grants and funding to increase manufacturing of innovative and sustainable products such as Bidim Green, SorbSeal and Megaflo Green.
Three key products, Megaflo Green Panel Drains, Elcorock® Geotextile Containers and Filterwrap® Non-Woven Geotextiles now carry the recognised Australian Made logo to inform customers they are locally produced, supporting local jobs.