
Based in southern Queensland, the GRID houses a selection of key geosynthetic-specific laboratory equipment. Testing is aimed at solving the real world problems designers, contractors and asset owners find on their construction site – a major step forward to ensure the right solution is adopted.

The GRID is committed to precision analysis and comprehensive reporting. Analysis is performed according to Australian and International test methods and comprehensive test reports are generated, including results, photos, graphs, test conditions and details of the apparatus used. Confidentiality is assured.

Our own research is supported by the research undertaken by our industry leading suppliers in both lab and field trials across the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Innovation & Education

As leaders in our industry we believe it is our role to provide technical and practical education to engineers about the use of geosynthetics in infrastructure projects.

Our team conducts technical seminars for engineers and contractors; we run in-house workshops for our clients and undertake lectures at universities around Australia and in New Zealand.

We also support the next generation of engineers through sponsorship of PhD candidates. We aim to extend their knowledge through mentoring opportunities and through provision of access to the GRID to allow candidates to test and validate their PhD theses - in turn expanding the knowledge of our industry.

Learn More About the Testing GRID Undertakes